Saturday, March 6, 2010

the long wait

I'm just waiting around killing time before heading to the airport. My flight is at 5:05am from Auckland airport, then I land in Brunei for a transfer, then from Brunei to Bangkok. I walked around Auckland tonight, checked out a festival at the park with live bands and carnival rides, much like the concerts put on in Harris park (for those in London). I am now heading to the bus stop to go to the airport. Hope everyones okay, and next time I write I'll be in Thailand!

Oh and I almost forgot! I wanted to write a fun fact about New Zealand everytime I did an entery, but forgot the first one, then ran out of time the second chance, so I decided I would just wait until the end and put up a few. So here are a few NZ facts I thought were interesting:

1) New Zealanders drive on the other side of the road. As well, their bicycle brakes are opposite (I found out the hard way)

2) New Zealanders say "sweet as", and "choice," just as North Americans say "sweet" and "cool." Everything is in "heaps" as well, heaps of energy, heaps of rainfall, heaps of fun, etc.

3) There is no tax, so the price you see is the price you pay. Also, the lowest coin denomination is 10 cents, so they round your purchase up or down to the nearest .10th. You also don't tip. (this fact had 3 facts in 1)

4) It's legal to drink on the streets unless otherwise posted. Also, passengers in cars can drink legally. There were many people not obeying the no drinking signs, and very few policemen on the streets.

5) New Zealanders take any chance they can to make fun of Australians, and wish to not be associated with them in any way.

6) Most New Zealanders say that New Zealand does not belong to any continent, especially one associated with Australia

7) Their breakfast cereals are the same, with the same boxes, but with slightly different names. Frosted Flakes are Frosties, Rice Krispies are Rice Bubbles, and so on.

8) New Zealanders are usually always in a good mood and joke around a lot. Especially the ones dealing with tourists. ex: The bungee guys dangling you over the edge, then pulling you back, or the skydive guy you're attached to telling you it's his first day on the job right before you jump. 

9) New Zealand loves their pies and kebabs. I now also love their pies, whether its mince, or steak, they're always delicious. However I had a bad experience with my kebab (it was from a store called abraKEBABra)

10) The total population for New Zealand is over 4 million people. There are over 40 million sheep, which is why New Zealand is known for sheep farms. However, there are over 70 million possums, they are a pest that are destroying the forests  (believed to be brought over by Australians)

11) There is a lot of different slang used. For example, before leaving the bus our driver told us to "put on heaps of cream, wear our sunnies, and beware of mozzies, alright? sweet as." sun cream - sun screen, mozzies - mosquitoes, sunnies - sunglasses

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