Monday, March 8, 2010


Well I arrived safe and sound. Barely safe though, the driving in Bangkok is absolutely innnnnsane. There are no rules, no lanes, just cars and bikes jamming into wherever they can get. I'd hate to drive here, even walking is a little scary because cars have the right of way, and don't stop even when the walk sign is on for pedestrians (instead they honk and swerve around you going 60km still). But it's a much different world over here. I went out to dinner with about 10 other people, walked down a main shopping road called Ko San rd. People come up to you all the time selling stuff, or telling you you need a suit or to come to a ping pong show. I had a big dinner and drink for less than $3, and am thinking about doing some shopping tomorrow, everythings about $3 - $4 and is nice. Tomorrow I head to Chiang Mai in the evening on the overnight train, then do a 3 day trek in the jungle. I don't think I'll be on a computer for a few days, so this is it for a while. I'll let you know how everything goes, sounds like I have a lot on my agenda. Playing with elephants and tigers, cooking classes, bamboo rafting, trekking. Hope everyone in Canada is doing well and staying warm! It's 34 degrees here, so I think I've sweat enough for everyone.

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