Friday, February 19, 2010


Hey everyone, I just spent an hour uploading some photo's so check them out by clicking the "photos" button on the right hand side. A few things I forgot to mention, one was Waitomo Caves. We got into wetsuits and descended into these caves. Our guide would take us through narrow passages, often times we'd have to crawl through little holes or hold our breath as we'd crawl through a crack that had rushing water right below our faces. We repelled down 2 waterfalls, and one biiiig hole. It was probably the most exciting thing I've done here so far, definitely the most amazing experience. Glow worms live in the cave, so at point we turned off our head lamps and you'd see a ton of glowing little worms on the top of the cave walls. Unfortunately we couldn't bring cameras with me, so I only had one photo, of a photo. The hike yesterday was a success as well, but walking 18km was not easy, haha. Some spectacular views though, and some amazing photos. Now we're in Wellington, a pretty cool city with a lot going on right now. There's a festival called "home grown" featuring only Kiwi bands, as well a rugby game, and the streets are alive, so time to check them out! hope everyones well at home, and see you all soon, my trips 1/4 over!


  1. Pink SHEEP!? That's ..far out? haha
    Man, Greg, i underestimated your camera..those pictures are AMAZING!! It looks so pretty out there, and the weather doesn't seem to bad.
    I hope you still get to go skydiving!!

  2. Great pictures, Greg. Except for the one with your burnt fingers. Ouch!
